Friday, January 29, 2016

Essay Title for Y13

Option 6 Contemporary Conflicts and Challenges
‘Living in a multicultural society takes time.’ (Jeresa Hren)
To what extent is this illustrated by the challenge of multicultural societies in the UK?
(40 marks)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Rising Sea Levels in the Maldives

Find a news report on Youtube showing MP’s from the Maldives signing a document underwater.
Watch it. Briefly explain what they were signing and why they are signing it

With aid of a map describe the location of the Maldives
Complete a factfile - population, GDP per Capita, main industries etc

Print out your work.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Year 11 Fieldwork 2015-16 "The Beach" JBR

Here you can access a spreadsheet that contains the results for:

Beach Census
Assessment of facilities
Environmental Assessment
Pedestrian Count

UPDATE: This should be now editable. Please send a runner to JM in A11 if not - thx

Here is a map of each groups study area:
