Thursday, October 23, 2014

Desertification in the Aral Sea region

Desertification in the Aral Sea area

Location - Get a map of the region and Country(s),
Any relevant statistics - Climate (Rainfall & temperature), Population, Area, History (soviet?)

Research the main Physical and Human causes of desertification in the region. which particular areas are at risk. Why etc

Outline some of the main effects of this large scale desertification - on people & the environment. E.g. Salinity, farming, population, unemployment, poverty, industry, social unrest, desertification

What has been done to combat this problem? Who by? When?
What further could be done?
Any success stories? Any examples of failure? Reasons?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Resources for Coastal Fieldwork 2014-15

Picture from the Gulf News
Dubai Coast from the air

These are some resources that you might like to refer to in preparation for your fieldwork and coursework.

Another site
Dubai Municipality article

Also worth a read

Integrated Coastal Zone Management for local up to date information including live web cams at various points along the beach
Useful PDF article what can be accessed here. I’ve printed off a copy.
Google Earth allows the coast to be explored historically back to about 2003
Also, search google images for Dubai beach erosion
Gulf News article with fome excellent maps and photographs
From the National newspaper
This site for a pretty hefty synopsis of the current situation
Coastal Care with some good video

Need for sand for Dubai’s beaches
Another useful site
