Desertification in the Aral Sea area
Location - Get a map of the region and Country(s),
Any relevant statistics - Climate (Rainfall & temperature), Population, Area, History (soviet?)
Research the main Physical and Human causes of desertification in the region. which particular areas are at risk. Why etc
Outline some of the main effects of this large scale desertification - on people & the environment. E.g. Salinity, farming, population, unemployment, poverty, industry, social unrest, desertification
What has been done to combat this problem? Who by? When?
What further could be done?
Any success stories? Any examples of failure? Reasons?
Location - Get a map of the region and Country(s),
Any relevant statistics - Climate (Rainfall & temperature), Population, Area, History (soviet?)
Research the main Physical and Human causes of desertification in the region. which particular areas are at risk. Why etc
Outline some of the main effects of this large scale desertification - on people & the environment. E.g. Salinity, farming, population, unemployment, poverty, industry, social unrest, desertification
What has been done to combat this problem? Who by? When?
What further could be done?
Any success stories? Any examples of failure? Reasons?