Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Year 12 Desert Fieldwork

Write up Document - (includes photos of location)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mojave Desert


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Desertification in the Aral Sea region

Desertification in the Aral Sea area

Location - Get a map of the region and Country(s),
Any relevant statistics - Climate (Rainfall & temperature), Population, Area, History (soviet?)

Research the main Physical and Human causes of desertification in the region. which particular areas are at risk. Why etc

Outline some of the main effects of this large scale desertification - on people & the environment. E.g. Salinity, farming, population, unemployment, poverty, industry, social unrest, desertification

What has been done to combat this problem? Who by? When?
What further could be done?
Any success stories? Any examples of failure? Reasons?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Resources for Coastal Fieldwork 2014-15

Picture from the Gulf News
Dubai Coast from the air

These are some resources that you might like to refer to in preparation for your fieldwork and coursework.

Another site
Dubai Municipality article

Also worth a read

Integrated Coastal Zone Management

http://www.dubaicoast.ae/ for local up to date information including live web cams at various points along the beach
Useful PDF article what can be accessed here. I’ve printed off a copy.
Google Earth allows the coast to be explored historically back to about 2003
Also, search google images for Dubai beach erosion
Gulf News article with fome excellent maps and photographs http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/environment/saving-dubai-s-beaches-1.217282
From the National newspaper
This site for a pretty hefty synopsis of the current situation
Coastal Care with some good video

Need for sand for Dubai’s beaches
Another useful site

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Postcard to the Geography Department

If you are somewhere nice or unusual this summer the Geography Department would love to hear from you.

Please send your postcard to:

The Geography Department,
Dubai College,
P.O.Box 837,

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Holiday Work for Year 10 JS class

  • Internet research
  • Find out about the demographic transition model
  • Answer these questions:
    • what does it show?
    • explain what is happening at each stage
    • answer question 2 on page 236
    • why is this model useful when studying population?

Monday, June 16, 2014

9NL Padlet wall

Click the link and add 2 amazing facts about Africa - one of which MUST be positive

Monday, June 9, 2014

‘The last free people on the planet'

In small pockets around the world live isolated indigenous communities. It’s important for humanity these peoples exist… they’re the last free people on this planet.’

Research Questions
What numbers are we talking? How many isolated tribes have been discovered? How many are there estimated to be? Have the tribes been given names?

Where in Brazil? Specific areas? Have areas been zoned off or protected by the Brazilian Gov't?
Are there dedicated gov't organisations whose job it is to identify & protect these people?

Many of these groups have tragic histories of encounters with outsiders — too much ‘contact’ — where they fought to preserve their isolation and, usually, came up much worse off than their more numerous intrude6rs.

Are there any success stories? Tribes successfully protected ........
Are there any tragic stories where tribes have been wiped out in recent history?

The uncontacted tribe in theBBC video you watched has been monitored by the Brazilian government for 20 years, and lives in a reserve set up to protect uncontacted tribes........WHERE? WHO?

FUNAI (Brazil’s National Foundation of the Indian) - What do they do, how do they do it? Are they successful?

Take a look at these:

more to follow......keep refreshing


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Unit 2 Geographical Investigation GCE AQA Secondary Data

Possible secondary data sources include:

  1. previous research by Dubai College students to compare results over time
  2. internet research (google Scholar) for arid channel studies especially in North America, for example, click here.  It's a bit advanced for AS, but you get the idea.
  3. internet research comparing normal rivers in the UK in terms of channel characteristics and sediment changes
  4. Google maps and satellite images for pre-fieldwork assessments including risk assessment. Also, to help with analysis of data, for example relating data to a confluence
  5. make the point that this is a very under researched area especially in the United Arab Emirates and that you were trying to apply hydrological theory to the channels that you were studying

Monday, April 21, 2014

Global Problems in 2030

Population Rise + Economic growth = ????????

What will be the population in 2030?
Where will most of this population growth be?

Which regions are expected to experience major economic growth?
Is there a link between the two? (Pop Growth & Eco Growth)

What problems can we expect in the future? (doesn't have to be exactly 2030!)
Food, Farmland, Energy, Resources, CO2, Water, Climate change, Conflict, Migration

You are gathering information.

Put all research, photo's, graphs etc into a document.

Don't worry about presentation at this stage

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Year 8 Coastal Protection research

Coastal Protection
Pick 3 or 4 Engineering methods in each section (hard & soft)
For each one outline:
How they work, Advantages, Disadvantages, et a photo
Notes to be made in your exercise book
Put a photo in a word document
Your research needs to be quick. Time management is important
Hard Engineering methods
Groynes, Sea walls, Revetments, Rock Armour, Gabions, Offshore breakwater, Cliff stabilization (Steel rods etc)
Soft Engineering methods
Beach Replenishment, Sand dune stabilization, Beach drainage, Cliff stabilization (plants etc)
Dubai Focus
What management methods have been used in Dubai
Have they been Successful?

At this stage you are just gathering information to be used next lesson
